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Nelson Mandela Bay SMMEs benefit from AIDC-EC led programme

AIDC Eastern Cape

Updated: May 15, 2024

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024, an award ceremony was held in collaboration with the uYilo e-Mobility Programme (uYilo), The Business Place, and Automotive Industry Development Centre Eastern Cape (AIDC-EC) to congratulate 19 SMMEs/Innovators for completing an incubation programme.

The incubation programme aims to catalyse SMMEs and innovators to develop products and services within the electric mobility (e-mobility) value chain. The incubation programme forms a crucial part of the AIDC-EC Skills and Enterprise Development project implemented by the uYilo e-Mobility Programme (uYilo).

Funded by the Finance Department, the Department of Economic Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs and the AIDC-EC, the incubation programme, is aligned to AIDC-EC’s framework for supporting future skills and sustainable energy within the automotive sector.

One of the beneficiaries of the programme, Matshego Brenda Moduka, runs a training company focusing on developing women and youth in manufacturing skills that are a dire need in the community.

There were also 3 most impactful business plans that were recognised and announced. Unathi Kenneth Mpati was among the Top 3. The eco-warrior’s business offerings are in the built environment, eco-friendly products, waste management and green energy solutions, who believes in collective responsibility.

The CEO of Automotive Industry Development Centre in the Eastern Cape, Mr Thabo Shenxane, expounded the AIDC-EC’s position in stimulating demand by making infrastructure more accessible that will drive people to become more interested in EVs.

“We produce 46% of the vehicles on this country from this province. And we export 54% of all the vehicles out of this province. So, the Eastern Cape is big in the automotive production space. The reason why we did this programme, is to create capacity right here in the Eastern Cape to accommodate the transition otherwise investors are going to import the skills”, said the CEO.

The AIDC-EC congratulates all the visionaries and innovators who have been awarded with certificates in this programme.


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